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Today's little knowing trip

My knowing trip.

What is a knowing trip I hear you ask, well it is when you are doing something but that little voice in your head is telling you that you need to be somewhere else.

While out walking and chatting to Mother Earth, that little knowing voice told me to visit my local second hand shop. It felt urgent too. So I listened and drove on over. They had a rack full of witchy clothes. In amongst them was a beautiful black robe - MINE - had to have it. The price - $2.50, yep, you read it right folks, a mere $ 2.50.

I couldn't snatch it up quicker if I tried.

They had some great boots there too, but my budget could not stretch to that.

So I have thanked my little knowing voice and am now going to perform some magik on my robe so that it knows what is expected of it.


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