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Many older spells assume that you already have access to a source of an open fire: hearth,fireplace, wood-stove or even a bonfire, because before the modern stove this was a necessity of life. In the twenty first century, however access to an open fire may be difficult especially for the urban Witch. An iron cauldron of a reasonable size can be a good alternative to the hearth or fireplace. A traditional Witches tool, usually stood upon three feet and a handle. The Celtic stories of Cerridwen ( pronounced (KARE-id-ooín or KARE-id-win) where it says her cauldron had three powers inexhaustibility, regeneration, and inspiration. A good cauldron has many many uses, from brewing potions,incense, fire magicks to the magick of cooking a meal. It is a symbol of the Goddess, the element of Water; reincarnation,immortality and inspiration.

[source:the element encyclopedia of 5000 spells]

[Source: Witchcraft The Dictionary Of Craft Terms]

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