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The Planets: Mars. Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the seventh largest. In Roman mythology Mars was the god of war. Phobos is the larger and innermost of Mars' two moons. In Greek mythology Phobos was the personification of fear and terror. Deimos is the smaller and outermost of Mars' two moons, and the smallest known moon in the solar system. In Greek mythology Deimos personified dread. Mars was known to the Ancients as the "Lesser Malefic", a negative influence and a harbinger of strife, turmoil, accidents, and general misfortune. Mars's ruling astrological house, is Aries (and Scorpio to the Ancients), is the pioneer of the zodiac. Aries want to always be the first to do something. * Signs, Symbols and Seals of Mars In daily correspondences, Aries rules Tyr's day/Tuesday. Mars is associated with the element of Fire The darker shades of Red. The gemstones - Bloodstone & Garnet. Metals - Iron and Steel Herbs - Allspice, Blessed Thistle, Cayenne, Garlic, Ginger, Pepper, Pine, Tobacco, Wormwood. * In magikal workings and rituals, the ruling aspects of the planet Mars are working on the astral plane, aggression, ambition, arguments, competition, conflict, destruction, energy, goals, lust, male sexuality, medical issues, sports, strength, strife, struggle, surgery, upheaval, victory, war. In its negative aspect Mars represents anger and violence. * The table of Mars is a Five square, containing 25 numbers each adding in any direction, to 55 with its sum being 325. Yve (O) XXX Image & Source

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