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Njord's Blot

Calendar of the Sun 3 Winterfyllith Njord's Blot Colour: Sea-blue Element: Water Altar: Upon cloth of sea-blue set a Scandinavian ship, a net, a basket of fish-shaped cakes, and a metal tankard of mead. Offerings: Give aid to a sailor. The House should, together, send a package to one who sails the seas and has need of succor. Daily Meal: Fish. Invocation to Njord Hail, Njord, Lord of the Surface of the Sea! Hail, Sailor's Watcher, Lord of Ships upon the waters. Blessed you are in the prow, Where you lead us forward to our goals. Blessed you are in the stern, Where you guard our wake From the monsters of the Deep. Blessed you are on the port, Where your keen eyes search the horizon. Blessed you are on the starboard, Where you guide us by the stars. Blessed you are on the high mast, Where you stand tall with far vision. Blessed you are in the sails, Which you fill with billowing winds. Blessed you are at the rudder, Where you skillfully outrun all storms. Blessed you are at the nets, Where the fish come by the thousands into our hands. Blessed you are belowdecks, Where you rock us gently to sleep On the waves of certainty, Knowing that the farthest shore Will soon be under our feet. Hail Njord, Lord of Ships, Guide our souls safely across the waters. (All pass and bless the package, and see it safely gone. The mead is poured out as libation.)


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