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Daily Horoscope

Libra today - You are a very good listener, and you have a way of making people open up. People will be coming to you today for some advice, and this is an opportunity for you to use your keen insight to make the difference in their life. They've been stuck between guessing and knowing what they need to do next, and when you voice your opinions on their dilemmas, their answer will be clear. You won't be telling them what to do, but you will be helping them to figure it out.


It doesn't feel like a particularly super day, but truth to be told, you're flirting with wild success.

The beauty of it all is in the way everything is balanced just so.

You can almost feel the absence of extremes.

That's your biggest clue that you're on the right course.


You're struggling to open up and make connections with others today.

Don't sweat it. You're better off writing about it or sharing your concerns with someone you trust implicitly.

Otherwise, your secrets are bound to end up as grist for the office rumour mill.


Don't ignore the nagging voice in your head.

If it's telling you something about your relationship, pay attention.

You may be able to make a simple change and make things better again.


Occasionally we try to advise you on matters of your health and general attractiveness.

Now we try again: please stop eating so many pastries. Please get some activity.

You're grossing us out.


That nagging voice in your head will urge you to take part in stupid activities today.

But that other voice may tell you that an afternoon of cocktails and flirting will be a waste of time.

Whether you're an angel or devil today will be up to you, although red is a colour that really becomes you.


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