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Colour Silver

Monday - Moon day * To help with any crafting projects you may have going on today, use the colour Silver. Be that in jewellery, candles, clothing, sparkles or just the colour itself. Silver colouThe colour silver represents intuition, imagination and illusion. The traditional silver colour meaning is that of moon energy. The meaning of silver is also associated with mystery, femininity and female power. The colour silver is often seen as a sophisticated colour and along with gold it represents wealth and riches. Gold is warm and is associated with the sun and masculine energy whereas silver is the opposite being cool, linked with the moon and female energy. Silver is an incredibly spiritual precious metal containing healing and health boosting energies. It gives a sense of balance and helps with mental, emotional and physical releasing and cleansing. In colour therapy and colour healing silver is used to help traditional women's problems such as painful periods, gynaecological ailments, hormonal imbalances and breast tenderness. Silver has a fantastic magikal energy with the ability to energise Crystals. It has strong associations with the Moon and is used in Magik rituals and Spell work particularly around the full moon phase. Silver is connected with the Element of Water, the direction West, the zodiac sign of Cancer and the Moon. Silver is also connected to the Moon Tarot Card. Magikal purposes for use in rituals and Spell work associated with Silver are for increased intuition and inspiration. Silver Crystals such as Moonstone are used for fertility and all things connected to the feminine. Using silver candles and silver coins can assist any Magik Spells that involve inspiration, purification and wealth manifestation. If you want to increase your wealth use a silver coin to inscribe the amount you need onto a silver candle. Light the candle, watch the flame and concentrate on your desire for increased wealth. Keep the silver coin and do not spend it. (Never be greedy, only ask for what you need) Choosing silver as a favourite colour indicates that you are very intuitive and can sense the good or bad intentions of people. You have a deep understanding and connection to spiritual matters and are very psychic yourself. You have a great deal of patience and perseverance and will take on any cause that you think is worthwhile and give it your all.


Metal SilverRuled by the Moon, called Luna by alchemists, Silver corresponds to crystals and the letter A. Its astrological house is Cancer. Silver is sacred to Arianrhod (the Silver Wheel) and Nuadha Argetlam (Nudd of the Silver Arm). Use Silver for protection and lunar magik.Use the metal or the colour silver in rituals, spells or talismans concerning Moon-goddesses, the female force, cycles, emotional and/or hormonal imbalances, reflecting or neutralising negativity, dreams and intuition, psychic work and psychic abilities.


Source - Yve - DarkCrone

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