Dragon Spirit Guide
Dragons in Ancient Times
Connecting with your animal spirit guide can be enlightening. Understanding your guide can uncover wisdom from deep within yourself.
While a dragon is a mythical creature according to the textbooks and scholars today, in ancient times people believed dragons were real. Not only did Celtic people all over Europe believe in dragons and paint them on their flags and banners, but on a separate continent the Chinese believed and celebrated this powerful beast . . . the dragon.
Celtic people revered the dragon and believed that herbs growing in a spot on the ground where a dragon's fire had scorched the earth would be most powerful in healing disease and injury.
The Chinese used the dragon as a symbol of strength, power, and good luck.
It was often the imperial symbol.
The Chinese dragon was the yang to the phoenix's yin.
In Chinese mythology and legend, the strongest and most noteworthy warriors and leaders were compared to the dragon.
So we know a little about what ancient people believed about dragons.
What does the dragon spirit guide mean to Shamans and Pagans today?
What does the dragon spirit guide have to teach us and instil in us?
If the dragon spirit guide has made himself known to you recently, you might have been in awe or possibly even a little frightened. That's to be expected.
The dragon is not a meek or gentle animal spirit guide.
It is fierce and mighty and might appear quite intimidating at first.
But don't be scared.
He will not hurt you.
The dragon might blow fire out of his nostrils and appear monstrous, but he is here to guide you further down your spiritual path.
Dragons bring swift change and transmutation.
If you've been in a stale spot in your spirituality or mental growth, the dragon has come to you to show you a new path and help you in your transformation from the mundane to a more elevated plane.
If the dragon comes to you in your dreams, welcome him.
Talk to him.
Ask him to allow you to ride on his back so that he can take you to the sacred place of transformation.
The dragon spirit guide is rare, but if he comes to you, do not deny him or turn him away.
He has much to show you and will take you to a place spiritually where you are ready to go.
Source - https://exemplore.com/spirit-animals/Animal-Spirit-Guides-Meanings-Dragon-Spirit-Guide
Image - www.pinterest.com