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LIBRA September 22 – October 23 Dear Libra, September looms large for you! Huge Jupiter enters your sign on 9/9 for the first time in 12 years. Jupiter = opportunity and expansion, and what he wants to expand is you! Jupiter lends you his powerful energy for over a year, so this could be the most wonderful time of your life! Ruler Venus is in Libra now preparing the way for Jupiter’s grand entrance. She’s making sure you attract and/or keep the perfect partners to help you in this next phase of your evolution. Partnership is important for everyone, but for Libra it is the essence of who you are. The magik recipe to have the best partners is to simply be your elegant, kind and gracious self. The baton has been passed to you – it’s time to be the living example of what it looks like when fair play, balanced perspective, consideration of others, along with creative, artistic expression rule. The world needs more of this, and more of YOU dear Libra, so prepare yourself to be this beautiful role model. There is a 2nd New Moon this month (called a Black Moon) on 30/9 (N.H) and 1/10 (S.H) and it’s in Libra. Since it will connect with Jupiter it’s a perfect time to set intentions for the new opportunities you would love to have grace your life. XXX

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