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Gemstones of the Zodiac

Gemstones of the Zodiac Helpful and healing gemstones for every zodiac sign Gemstones are more than just pretty ornaments. These natural, Earth-based beauties also have the power to heal, protect, relax and clarify. Certain gemstones are particularly beneficial for each zodiac sign. When thinking about which gem is appropriate for you, a friend or a loved one, consider not only Sun signs, but the Moon and Rising signs as well. *** Aries (March 21 – April 19) Diamond: Like Aries, a sign known for its strength and survival skills, the diamond is the hardest of the gems. The diamond carries masculine energy, evoking your inner warrior and helping you to pursue your goals and persevere in challenging times. Considered the stone of innocence and purity, this precious gem also assists you with attaining spiritual clarity and speaking your heart’s truth. The diamond, associated with wealth, can help you attract abundance in all areas of life. Additional gemstones associated with Aries: Bloodstone, Jasper, Ruby, Carnelian, Garnet. *** Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Amber: Amber is not actually a stone, but the petrified resin of trees that once grew in forests along the Baltic sea — appropriately earthy origins for nature-loving Taurus. Amber’s gold-orange colour is known for grounding and stabilizing higher spiritual energies into the physical body. Its influence is simultaneously calming and energizing, enhancing patience, protection and balance. Amber is said to absorb negative energy, thereby promoting the body’s ability to heal itself. Additional gemstones associated with Taurus: Rose Quartz, Turquoise, Blood Coral, Emerald, Sapphire. *** Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Agate: Mentally active (and sometimes hyperactive) Gemini can benefit from the grounding and calming influence of this stone. By strengthening the body’s connection to the Earth, agates enhance courage and vitality while protecting from energy drains and stress. Considered a stone of harmony, the agate can inspire the Twins’ multiple personalities to come into a state of balance and integration. Carry or wear agate when you have to make an important decision — this stone will sharpen your sight, stimulate your intellect and dispel fears. Additional gemstones associated with Gemini: Citrine, Chrysoprase, Pearl, Moonstone, White Sapphire. *** Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Moonstone: This magikal gemstone is, not surprisingly, associated with the Moon, Cancer’s planetary ruler. Moonstone is said to absorb the healing power of the Moon, and the most powerful time to wear it is during a Full Moon. Moonstone offers protection for Cancer’s sensitive nature while enhancing intuition, feminine energies and psychic abilities. Considered a stone of inner growth and spiritual perception, Moonstone is an excellent ally during meditation. Additionally, Moonstone brings success in both love and business. Additional gemstones associated with Cancer: Pearl, Emerald, Ruby. *** Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Tourmaline: Tourmaline is often associated with the heart, the part of the body ruled by Leo. This stone can help you open yourself to love, and it enhances compassion, happiness and serenity. Leo is a naturally creative zodiac sign, and tourmaline provides added inspiration — or can help jumpstart the process if you’re feeling blocked. Tourmaline strengthens your ability to manifest your goals, and it attracts abundance and prosperity as it makes others more receptive to your talents. Traditionally used as a meditation stone, tourmaline is also considered helpful for channeling. Additional gemstones associated with Leo: Carnelian, Sardonyx, Onyx, Golden Topaz. *** Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Blue Sapphire: Considered a sacred stone in Buddhism, the blue sapphire brings order and clarity to the mind, thereby increasing your ability to access spiritual wisdom. Since Virgo is prone to anxiety and worry — populating the mind with distracting or unproductive thoughts — this gemstone is particularly useful. The colour blue is traditionally associated with the heavens, and Virgo benefits from this reminder of a higher perspective. Blue sapphire also increases mental flexibility, helping Virgos release hardened attitudes and open themselves to new possibilities. Additional gemstones associated with Virgo: Jasper, Carnelian, Jade, Moss Agate. *** Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Lapis Lazuli: Considered a stone of universal truth and friendship, lapis is said to foster harmony in relationships — always a priority for significant-other-oriented Libra. At the same time, Lapis supports expressing your authentic self and inner truth, which can sometimes be challenging for this peace-seeking sign. Highly valued for its spiritual properties, lapis helps you to access sacred knowledge, expand consciousness, communicate with your spirit guides, and purify your mind and soul. Additional gemstones associated with Libra: Opal, Emerald, Rose Quartz, Peridot (Chrysolite). *** Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Aquamarine: The name of this beautiful blue gemstone refers to the ocean, and resonates with Scorpio’s watery nature. The element Water represents the emotional realm, and Scorpio’s waters run deep — so deep, in fact, that this sign sometimes gets lost in the depths. Aquamarine can soothe Scorpio’s intense emotions and counteract the forces of darkness, bringing a sense of tranquility, as well as clear insight, to underlying feelings. By aligning the physical and spiritual bodies, Aquamarine can help you attune to higher levels while remaining grounded. Additional gemstones associated with Scorpio: Black Obsidian, Topaz, Beryl, Apache Tear, Coral. *** Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Turquoise: Valued as a sacred stone in many spiritual traditions, turquoise helps truth-seeking Sagittarius attune to higher consciousness. Additionally, turquoise is considered a communication stone, enhancing a speaker’s eloquence, honesty and creativity — and offsetting the Sagittarian foot-in-mouth syndrome. Turquoise improves the mind by increasing intuition, sensitivity and positive thinking, resulting in a calmer mental state that leads to greater wisdom. Additional gemstones associated with Sagittarius: Topaz, Sapphire, Amethyst, Ruby. *** Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Ruby: By enhancing confidence, courage and joy, ruby can compensate for the Capricorn tendency toward melancholia and negativity. Ruby’s deep red color strengthens the heart and invites love for self, others and spirit. Capricorn has a well-deserved reputation as the hardest-working sign of the zodiac, and ruby is a great ally in restoring depleted energy reserves and promoting stamina, vitality and strength. Ruby is said to increase generosity as well as attract abundance and prosperity. Additional gemstones associated with Capricorn: Black Onyx, Garnet, Agate. *** Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Garnet: If Aquarians get stuck in the mental realm, garnet can help bring this sign back into the body by boosting sexual energy, passion, sensuality and general vitality. Friends and community are of great importance to Aquarius, and garnet both stabilises relationships and enhances popularity. Garnet is said to promote success in business and improve higher education and professional prospects. On a spiritual level, garnet heightens clairvoyant abilities and is considered a powerful ally for accessing the wisdom of dreams. Additional gemstones associated with Aquarius: Sugilite, Amethyst, Moss Agate, Opal. *** Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Amethyst: Hyper-sensitive and energy-absorbent Pisces can greatly benefit from amethyst, which repels vibrations that the body does not need. Calming both the mind and nervous system, amethyst has been called “nature’s tranquiliser,” and is useful for releasing tension and soothing anxiety. Amethyst can also assist with healing from grief and releasing addictions, and supports general emotional stability. Considered an excellent meditation stone, amethyst enhances psychic abilities and spiritual awareness. Additional gemstones associated with Pisces: Jade, Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Rock Crystal, Sapphire. XXX Source - Emily Trinkaus on the topics of zodiac, insight, astrology Image -

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