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Mercury (to communicate) The Planet Of Mind Speech, thought, short journeys, inquiry. The symbol for Mercury represents the caduceus, the staff with the two serpents, indicating the solution to the riddle of life. Another meaning is the crescent of receptivity (the moon) is above the circle of spirit, which is above the cross of matter. Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo. The keyword for Mercury is "communicate". We often communicate using language, and we use words to communicate. Language implies reason and reasoning, because to be rational we need to reason. Mercury is concerned with transport and journeys (types of communication), particularly short journeys. It is also associated with mentality and intellect. Mercury seeks to understand (know) by inquiry: questioning and analysing. (It is, after all, the ruler of Virgo!) Mercury is also related to the nervous system, because the nerves are the communication system of the body. It is therefore associated with co-ordination, both physically and mentally. XXX

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