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Workshops & Seminars [6th Sep]

Have you been wondering recently maybe quietly asking your guides,angels what should you do with your knowledge of your chosen path? This card I drew out of the pack after asking the celestial beings to guide my hand so that I would be able to pass on some insite,to help or inspire someone today. I hope it does just that.

If you are seeing this card and you have been questioning the above recently then you have been shown that yes the angels have been hearing you and this is what they are showing you.

Have you been dreaming of teaching whether that be a large group of people or a small group even a one on one? Do you have any worries or concerns about doing this? Ask your guides..angels for help or advice & be open and willing to listen to them when they reply this may be in the form of an idea.. a sign be it music...or a literal sign,a dream or maybe just a feeling that your guided in a direction..Our guides & angels are there to guide us.let it flow, go with it.

Maybe you have a bundle of knowledge and want to share with others but not entirely sure on how to do this, enroll on some classes be it online ..or a college , a workshop meet like minded people who share your passion. Get a feel for things and how topics should be discussed learn the ropes so when your time comes you can teach ..your way,confidently. Call upon the Archangel Raphael for support along your path, he will do whatever is needed to support you, remember to give thanks to the universe and those you feel helped you along your way.

Agracia SnowWolf )O(

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