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Day of Mimir's Well

Day of Mimir's Well Colours: Midnight blue and white Element: Water Altar: Upon cloth of midnight blue set three white candles, a bowl of stones and well water, a silver cup of mead, and the figure of a human skull set upon a long tail of spun white hair. Offerings: Secret offerings, unspoken. Daily Meal: Soup, in a stone bowl. Invocation to Mimir's Well We stand before the sacred well of dark wisdom And we ask the Presence deep within What he would give us, if we desire. (All call out: "Hail Mimir, Keeper of the Well of the Ancestors!") Would you sacrifice an eye for this wisdom, Forever seeing only from the focus of the archer? Would you sacrifice both eyes, and live in darkness In exchange for the light of knowing what will be? Would you give up your ears, and hear nothing But the music of the heavenly cycles? (All call out: "Hail Mimir, Keeper of the Well of the Ancestors!") Would you give up your legs, and never walk That you might follow in a path of silent knowledge? Would you give up the work of your hands That you might work only with what lies behind your eyes And what lies behind the eyes of the universe? Would you give up your life itself And live only to be a channel for this truth? (All call out: "Hail Mimir, Keeper of the Well of the Ancestors!") What would you give for knowing the day Of your death, and that of everyone else's? What would you give for the knowledge That might stop one death, one day of pain, one night of fear? Hail Mimir, you who see into the heart and mind From the blind darkness of your depths, And who giveth nothing without its worthy price. (All call out: "Hail Mimir, Keeper of the Well of the Ancestors!") Chant: We Go Into the well of Silence (Each comes forth and stares into the bowl of stones and water, and then steps away. The mead is poured into the libation well as an offering to Mimir.)

[source:Pagan Book of]

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