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The Month of Hesperis – August 9th - September 5th

Although this is a little late on posting thought it was worth the share with our fellow family of the craft.

THE HESPERIDES were the goddess-nymphs of evening and the golden light of sunsets. They were the daughters of either Nyx (Night) or the heaven-bearing Titan Atlas. The Hesperides were entrusted with the care of the tree of the golden apples which was had been presented to the goddess Hera by Gaia(the Earth) on her wedding day. They were assisted by a hundred-headed guardian-Drakon (Dragon). Herakles was sent to fetch the apples as one of his twelve labours and, upon slaying the serpent, stole the precious fruit. Athenalater returned them to the Hesperides.

The Hesperides were also the keepers of other treasures of the gods. Perseus obtained from them the artifacts he needed to slay the Gorgon Medousa (Medusa).

The three nymphs and their glowing, golden apples were regarded as the source of the golden light of sunset--a phenomena which celebrated the bridal of Zeus and Hera, the king and queen of heaven.

Every culture has a mischievous one lurking about in it’s mythology. The Celts are no different. Giving this day to Puck, who the Welsh once called, Pwca and the Irish named, Pooka. While this day can be traced all the way back to the Middle Ages, present day Pagans can still celebrate it. Google Puck Fair and see if you get a bite. If not, report back and I’ll see if I can snag you some links.

To some Pagans, and some Witches, salamanders live under the coals of fire. Cast a mandrake root into the flames as an offering unto them for today is an Observance called, Feast of the Fire Spirits.

Mark your calendars or burn your candles, for today begins a new Goddess Month honoring that of Hesperis. She was a Goddess/Nymph of sunsets and evenings. She can be linked to the Greek name for Italy, which to them, meant, the land of the setting sun. Also referring to the evening star, Venus. She was one of several Nymphs known as the Daughters of the Golden Light. They are the caretakers of a sacred Garden existing in the Western World which maybe something of curiosity, linking to many sacred gardens of the Goddess, that all men and women dreamed of going one day when their time in this world was done.



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