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Violet / Purple...

Violet / Purple...


Healing properties:

These are colours of transformation.

They heal melancholy, hysteria, delusions and alcohol addiction and bring spiritual insights and renewal.

These colours slow down an over-active heart; stimulate the spleen and the white blood cells (immunity).

Bring sleep.

Soothe mental and emotional stress.

Decrease sexual activity.

Decrease sensitivity to pain.

They help in detoxification.

Leonardo da Vinci proclaimed that you can increase the power of meditation ten-fold by meditating under the gentle rays of Violet, as found in Church windows.



Elemental spirit.

Divination and prophecy.


Psychic abilities, divination, counter-acting negativity/black magik, reversing curses, psychic healing, psychic power, inspiration, meditation, spirituality, spiritual power, astral projection, third eye, compassion, counter-acting depression.


Preference for violet/purple:

Colours for meditation, contemplation, mysticism, spirituality and religion power.

A longing to ascend and dissolve polarities (purple consists of the active red and passive blue), to improve the world.

Reservation, mystery and dignity.

Soft, sensitive people with often paranormal abilities.


Aversion to violet / purple:

A person who has an aversion for violet / purple may have very serious attitude towards life; and may find it difficult to give dreams, fantasies, vague fears or memories a place in it.

May have tendency to rejection everything he regards as unnatural or unrealistic.



Violet/Purple Candles are used for enhancing psychic ability, bringing wisdom, for divination, to remove curses, for healing, business success, and for influencing people in power.

For workings of dark magik, purple can be used to incite tyranny, abuse of power, and for bringing sadness and treachery to others. Jupiter rules purple.

Workings using the colour purple should be performed on Thor's days.

Workings for psychic power need the energy of the sixth chakra and the third eye and should be performed on Moon days when the Moon is strongly placed and full.



Use purple feathers for -

The crown chakra

Universal consciousness

Spiritual connection

Heightened spiritual growth and experiences

Higher thought

Opening up of the psychic senses

Deep spirituality

Transmutation of negative energy (such as the purple used in St Germain's cleansing violet flame energy)

Yve - Dark Crone (O)


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