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One rune method This is by far the easiest method for reading the runes,especially if you have a specific question that needs immediate attention. Cup the runes in your hand, concentrate on your question, and ask it aloud. Place the runes back in their pouch and mix them thoroughly. Dip into the pouch and pull one rune only. This will be the answer to your question. The nice thing about the runes, and this particular method, is that you can use them anywhere. So if you are at work and having a problem with someone or something, use your break time to consult the runes. They will provide you with a quick solution to set things right again.

Three rune method This method is very much like the first. Cup the runes in your hand, concentrate on your question, and ask it aloud. Place the runes back in the pouch and mix them thoroughly. Pull three runes from the pouch and place them in front of you. The first rune, to the left, indicates the basis of the problem, or present situation. The middle rune shows the vibrations currently surrounding you. The last rune, the one you placed to the right, gives you the answer or suggests the proper action to be taken.

The runic cross method Cup the runes in your hand, concentrate on your question, and speak it aloud. Put the runes back in the pouch and mix them thoroughly. Pull five runes from the pouch, one at a time. Lay the first three out in a row from left to right. The fourth goes above the center stone and the fifth is placed below the center stone. All five stones should be face down. Turn the center stone up. This represents the present situation and what is going on now. The stone to the left is the past. Turn this stone over next; it will tell you which past vibrations are still affecting the present situation. The top stone is next. This stone explains what outside help or self-help is necessary to improve the situation as it stands. The bottom stone is now turned over. This stone will tell you what changes can or cannot be expected. The last stone to be turned over is the one on the right arm of the cross. This stone represents the future, the final outcome of the reading. For more clarification, pull a sixth rune. This rune is placed at the bottom of the cross, under the fifth stone. This sixth rune will denote new, fresh influences that could affect the situation and its final outcome.

If you are new to Witchcraft and uncertain about which method of divination to choose, start with the runes. They are easy to make and convenient to use, and there is very little left up to personal interpretation. Because of their size, runes travel well. They can be read almost anywhere and in any situation. Keep a set of runes in your purse, briefcase, or school locker. Use your coffee break, lunch hour, or recess time to consult them about the events of the day. The best way to become proficient with the runes, or any of the divination systems mentioned, is by using them on a regular basis. Before you leave for work or start your day, take a moment to consult your runes, cards, or tea leaves. You don’t need to be in crisis to seek higher wisdom or spiritual guidance. Use your divination skills to help set daily and weekly goals or to indicate areas where personal progress can be made. A simple question like “What should I work on today?” will provide you with the motivation and direction needed to live the magickal life.

[source:The Witchs Master Grimoire -Lady Sabrina]


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