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Good Morning Witches

Good morning, blessings to all this Tyr's day/Tuesday. <3


Southern hemisphere

Today is an element of Earth day, a great time to get outdoors to do creative earth works around your home.

Tonight is a good night to rid of any undesirables in your life.

Be healthy of mind and body with eating fresh root vegies, drink plenty of water and try to stay away from salt intake.

The moon is waning and in the sign of Taurus at 0° 44'

Use patience and diligence.

A good time to treat plants.

If performing magiks today, include fiery colours, red, black, orange, maroon.

Carrying a bloodstone in your pocket or wearing garnet-studded jewellery to reinforce your convictions.

Working with protective and fire-associated plants such as the snapdragon, thistle, and holly to boost your shields and bravery

Burning spicy-scented energy-enhancing candles to add a little magikal aromatherapy to your home

Cooking up a hearty meal featuring carrots, peppers, and garlic (all Mars foods and spices) to empower yourself for victory and success.

However your day turns out, I wish you flags, flax, fodder and frigg.

Yve - Dark Crone (O)


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