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DAILY TAROT READING * Ask your question, then look to this card for your answer... * Single Card Reading - The Emperor in reverse. This can mean that either you or a man of influence in your life is being overbearing and dominating. The Emperor reversed may indicate the misuse of power, too. Erratic behaviour by someone in authority or weak and indecisive behaviour in someone who has responsibility to and authority over others are some other aspects you need to be mindful of. Remain strong - always seek a positive direction. Plan and work each day - concentrate on your self-discipline. Take the time to understand the motives of the people around you. This card also urges you to take a middle path for your own personal health. Dealing with authority is fraught with difficulties at this time, and whether this manifests as a dominant partner, problems with your father or battles with officials, you do not seem to be making any headway. And, whatever else, do not show contempt for any kind of order. Paradoxically, this is a time when you also realise that although things may have gotten quite chaotic recently, now is the time to bring about order once again. And, it`s all in your hands. XXX

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