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Woden's day/Wednesday * Other names - Middle English - wodnesday, wednesday, or wednesdai Old English - wodnesdæg "Woden's day" Latin - dies Mercurii "day of Mercury" Ancient Greek - hemera Hermu "day of Hermes" Woden is the chief Anglo-Saxon/Teutonic god. Woden is the leader of the Wild Hunt. Woden is from wod "violently insane" + -en "headship". He is identified with the Norse Odin. Mercury is the Roman god of commerce, travel, theivery, eloquence and science. He is the messenger of the other gods. Hermes is the Greek god of commerce, invention, cunning, and theft. He is the messenger and herald of the other gods. He serves as patron of travelers and rogues, and as the conductor of the dead to Hades. ( Source - ) * Element of Air Colours: Yellow, Grey, Mixed Hues Crystals: Citrine, Agates, Aventurine, Mica, Pumice, Quicksilver, Zinc Aroma: Lavender, Eucalyptus, Mercury Oil, Jasmine, Sweetpea Herb: Lavender * Dedicated to the Teutonic god Woden or Odin, an aspect of the "All-Father" god of knowledge wisdom enlightenment and combat, the parallel of Hermes. Wednesday is ruled by Mercury. Magikal aspects: the conscious mind, study, travel, divination, and wisdom. This is the best day to engage in anything dealing with communication. With Wednesday brings the beauty of luck, the satisfaction of psychic work, increased communication and the retail success that it brings. If you feel that lady luck has been rather mean with her glances recently, it might be worth asking for a little extra something on a Wednesday and await the returns. ( Source - ) * Planet Mercury. Mercury is the closest and densest planet in the solar system to the Sun. Its interior is composed of a huge iron core. This is thought to be partially molten, and acts like a dynamo generating Mercury's weak magnetic field. In Roman mythology Mercury was the god of trade and profit, merchants and travellers. The god Mercury with his winged feet is known as the messenger of the gods; he symbolizes contact, communication, any transportation, flow, swiftness, playfulness and flexibility. Mercury, is the natural ruling planet of the astrological signs Virgo and Gemini, deals with our intellectual capabilities, how we sort, collect, classify and interpret information, it also deals with all forms of communications. The Ancients and modern astrologers, consider Mercury to be neutral, it is neither masculine nor feminine, positive nor negative, it takes on the qualities of whatever it aspects it comes in contact with. As the ruler of Gemini and Virgo, Mercury is clever, facile, adaptable, and represents the mind, intellect, education, writing and other forms of communication, transportation, short trips, siblings, and the immediate environment. In magikal workings and rituals, the ruling aspects of the planet Mercury are business, buying and selling, cleverness, communication, contracts, creativity, information, intellect, memory, perception, science, wisdom, and writing. Mercury in its negative aspects is the root of dishonesty, deception. The table of Mercury is a Eight square, containing 64 numbers each adding in any direction, to 250 with its sum being 2080. ( Source - ) * Metal is Mercury I will not post on this substance as it is highly poisonous. Most witches now-a-days use steel as a substitute. Only an experienced alchemist would use Mercury. ( Source - Yve - Dark Crone (O) ) * Some suggestions for Wednesday enchantments would include: Pulling a little Wednesday color magic into your life by wearing purples or orange Carrying a multi-purpose agate with you and tapping into its various charms Working with magikal plants such as the fern for protection. This plant will also boost the power of any other magikal plants with which it is arranged. Incorporating lavender into charms and spells for transformation Using the charming scent of lily of the valley to improve your memory, or working with the aspen tree for communication Calling on Athena, patron of arts and crafts, for inspiration for a new project Fanning out a Tarot spell to increase you creativity Calling on Hermes on a Wednesday night to bring movement and good luck into your life. ( Source - ) XXX

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