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What have I been doing with myself?

Over the past few months I have found myself becoming increasingly more frustrated and irritated by minor things around me. Then it dawned on me as if I had been ninja kicked by the biggest cosmic force that I've ever come across! Do what you did only a couple of years ago, create ...I have made wands, Key charms, Rune Stones, Green Man wall hangings etc etc.... .. Why did I stop if I love doing this so much? well over the past 3 years I have been very ill with one thing and another and in honesty had lost much interest in almost everything..I still read, I still made posts but I didn't have that get up and go. It had got up and post card nothing! Pffft .

So over this past 5months I have slowly been rebuilding my crafting collection ..and now I have two projects one candle/spell/ritual/meditation related hehe.. this Im excited about but the things used in order to make it need a well ventilated area its temporarily put on hold. The second project is a Spirit Board or Ouija Board..I couldn't make this one secret haha! I couldn't think of anyway of wrapping this project up in there you have it a Spirit Board. Sure I could always just go a buy one but that will have been passed about ..hand to hand various energies put into it..and sure I could cleanse it but it wouldn't be personal or from me directly. So Im making my own, I will place my symbols of protection (letting those who are nervous about this kinda thing, please know I will not be going in eyes half open or closed... I know what I am doing ) I've ordered some more clay this time air dry.... yes tis true I have the patience of an upset wasp, but hopefully this will alter.

Thing to remember those new to The Craft, if you fancy your hand at creating something for your practice go for it! It doesn't have to be ''perfect'' whatever that means, becuase it will be ''your perfect'' item made from you created by you, filled with your intent and energy and that is all that is needed when making items. So please DONT be discouraged from making something becuase you feel you're not ''Craftsy' enough. It will mean more to you and to The Gods (if you use that form of worship), it will also be more valuable in your work as it will be connected to you on a 'personal' level. Dont be held back by limitation ..a mind is a powerful thing, you can do GOT this! Not only is it helpful, money saving,personal in use, but its extremely therapeutic and relaxing ...enjoy!

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