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Number meaning of the Knots in Magik...

Number meaning of the Knots in Magik...


1 - The number of unity.

For focus, single mindedness and acceptance.

2 - The number of duality.

Balance in partnerships and relationships.

3 - Number of Saturn.

For solidity, timing and acceptance.

4 - Number of Jupiter.

For dealing with authority, general health.

5 - Number of Mars.

For energy, passion, courage and will power.

6 - Number of the Sun.

For success, wealth and charisma.

7 - Number of Venus.

For love, fertility, emotional growth.

8 - Number of Mercury.

Healing, communication and mental clarity.

9 - Number of Moon.

For emotions, tides and glamour.

10 - Number of the Earth.

For endurance, perseverance and grounding.

Shared from Mind, Body and Spirit.

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