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Lughnasadh Afternoon Prayer

o/a unknown

Lughnasadh Afternoon

Afternoon Prayer to the God

These prayers should be done in the afternoon, between noon and 3pm.


"O God of Thunder, God of Might,

set aside Your lightning bolts

and take Your ease of Love with me.

You are the God of laughter!

You are the God of all delights!

Blessed Be."

Main Prayer


The death of Summer

draws near -

the dying God hangs

upon the air.

In sacrifice will others live;

a lesson in love.

But also comes the knowledge that

death is but the dream

from which we wake.

The God is our vision

of rebirth,

a surety that death is but

a moment spent in the womb of time

with countless lives to live

arrayed before us.

Death hangs upon the air -

the gateway of Tomorrow awaits.


What is the nature of sacrifice? What images of death do you hold?

Daily Affirmation

In the Name of the God: I will be aware of the life dying around me today and of how all things return unto the God.

Closing Prayer

"Thanks to Thee, Lord of the Dance,

for leading me into the deeper mysteries

of the heart.

Be with me now and always.

Blessed Be."

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