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Imbolc Afternoon Prayer

o/a unknown

Imbolc Afternoon Prayer

This prayer should be done in the afternoon, between noon and 3pm.


"O God of Thunder, God of Might,

set aside Your lightning bolts

and take Your ease of Love with me.

You are the God of laughter!

You are the God of all delights!

Blessed Be."

Main Prayer


The young Lord bursts

forth in joyous strength.

The Maiden dances

coyly away from Him.

seeking the shape of the doe.

The virile stag keeps pace with Her

as She becomes the wild dove

and He the stooping hawk.

She plummets into the raging stream,

fighting the rapids and rising

in rainbow splendor,

the God a burst of light

in Her wake.

They arise - jeweled dragons

in flight,

illuminated by the Sun.

The courting dance begins anew.


How is the courting dance between you and your Beloved unfolding? What transformations have you experienced from realizing that He loves you?

Daily Affirmation

In the Name of the God: I will accept the God's love in my life today.

Closing Prayer

"Thanks to Thee, Lord of the Dance,

for leading me into the deeper mysteries

of the heart.

Be with me now and always.

Blessed Be."

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