Green The colour of nature, of fertility, of life, green has often been linked with red in religion and magick. Stones of this hue are receptive. They are used in healing magick, perhaps by surrounding a green or blue candle with the gems, lighting the candle, and then visualizing the sick person as a vibrant, totally healed person. They can also be carried or worn to guard the health. Specifically, green stones are thought to strengthen the eyes, control the kidneys, relieve stomach problems and prevent migraines. Ruled by Venus, green stones are worn during gardening to promote luxuriant growth, or are placed in the earth for this purpose. If you have house plants, try putting a few empowered green stones in the earth. Due to such usage, they were also thought to increase fertility and therefore to promote conception. Their associations with the element of Earth also lead to their use in spells involving money, riches, prosperity and luck. They are grounding and balancing stones which can be worn to attune with the Earth.
[Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, and Metal Magic-Scott Cunningham]