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CHARGING STONES Before using them in magick, stones should be 'charged' or 'programmed' with energy. This is done simply by holding the stone in your projective hand (usually the right, but the left for lefties), visualizing your magickal need, and pouring energy out from your body into the stone.This energy is personal power. It resides within all of us. We can move this energy from our bodies out into stones, candles, metals and other objects to help us achieve our magickal goals. The movement of this or other forms of natural energy is at the heart of magic. See the power flowing out from your body, through your projective hand and into the stone. Charge it with the energy of your magickal need-love, money, power, health. When you know that the stone is vibrating with your personal power, the charging is complete. This simple process, performed before each ritual, will greatly enhance the effects of your stone magick.

[Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, and Metal Magic- Scott Cunningham]

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