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More Goddesses & Correspondences

More Goddesses & Correspondences

More Goddesses

Abnoba: (Gaulish) Goddess of the Black Forest, the rivers and childbirth.

Aerten: (Welsh) is the Goddess of Fate.

Aine: (Irish) Goddess of love, growth, and cattle and light.

Airmid: (Irish) Healing Goddess with a knowledge of medicinal plants.

Arianrhod: (Welch) Goddess of the moon and stars, her silver represents karma, the Wheel of the Year and the web of fate.

Arnemetia: (British) A River Goddess who was worshipped at the Buxton Spring.

Artio: (Gaulish) Celtic Bear Goddess. She was associated with abundance, strength and the harvest.

Aveta: (Gaulish) Goddess of fertility, childbirth and midwives, also linked to fresh water.

Badb: (Irish) A shape shifting warrior Goddess who symbolized the cycles of life and death, wisdom and inspiration.

Belisama: ( Gaulish and British) She was Goddess of the elements of both fire and water associated with lakes and rivers, fire, light and domestic crafts.

Blodeuedd: (Welsh) Goddess of Spring, she was created from flowers. She is also known as Bloddueuth.

Branwen: (Welch) Goddess of love and beauty.

Brigantia: (British) Tribal Goddess of the Brigantes in Northern England.

Brigit: (Irish) A fire Deity and midwife and protector of woman and children. She also ruled over agriculture, healing, divination, occult knowledge, poetry, prophecy and metal work. Other spellings of her name include : Brid, Brig, Brigid, Brighid and Brigindo.

Cailleach Bheur: (Scotish) The hag and destroyer Goddess who presided over disease, death, wisdom, seasonal rites and weather magic.

Caireen: (Irish) A protective Mother Goddess, who looks after of children.

Cally Berry: (Irish) A maiden Goddess, who represents spring, she is the guardian of animals and the hunt. She was also linked to weather magic.

Camma: (Gaulish)) A hunting goddess.

Ceridwen: (Welch ) She was Goddess of moon, magic, agriculture, nature, poetry, music, art, science and astrology. She was also keeper of the cauldron

Coventina: ( Romano-British) Goddess of wells and springs and life cycles. Like many other river deities, she also represented abundance, inspiration, and prophecy

Danu: (Irish) Irish Mother Goddess associated who fertility, prosperity, comfort, health and light. She may originally have been a sun Deity.

Damara: (British) A fertility goddess who was celebrated in May at the festival of Beltaine.

Don: (Welch) Goddess of Heavens, Air and Sea. She was also mother of the Goddess Arianrhod.

Epona: (British, Gaulish) A protector of horses, donkeys, and mules. She was also linked with fertility.

Habondia: (Britain) Goddess of the harvest, abundance and prosperity. She was also known as Abondia, Abunciada, Habonde

Macha: (Irish) linked to fertility and pregnancy, agriculture, justice, war and death.

Modron: (Welsh) Mother Goddess associated with Autumn, the harvest and fertility. She was also responsible for magic and ritual.

Morrigan: The Crow Goddess associated with war and death on the battlefield. She is queen of phantoms, demons,shape-shifters and patroness of priestesses and Witches.

Nehalennia: (Gaulish) A dog Goddess who was the patron deity of sea traders, as she provided them with protection on the water.

Olwen: (Welsh) Her name means "the golden wheel"; she was the Goddess of sunlight.

Rhiannon: (Welsh) This Goddess is associated with horses, birds and the sea. This Deity also signifies travel and fertility.

Scathach: (Scottish): A warrior Goddess and prophetess who taught martial arts healing and protection. She was also known as Scota, Scatha, Scath, Scathach Scathach Buanand, Skatha. Her name means she who strikes fear.

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